Archive UI and logic was slightly rewritten:

  • to improve scalability now there is a new marker type option - ‘No markers’, which becomes the default one. In such case only track line with time-stamps is shown on map and when mouse comes close enough to the track it will show closest position along with details in popup.

  • added possibility to draw multiple device tracks at the same time (feature request #47). Table for each device resides in it’s own tab. When tab is closed track disappears from map as well. ‘Clear’ button on archive toolbar closes all loaded tracks.

  • marker type selection is now saved to the database in user’s settings

Other changes include:

  • bulgarian translation - kindly provided by Boko Kid
  • change in MIME type of GPX export to application/gpx+xml, which allows to open exported file directly in associated application (like garmin or JOSM)